Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy Birthday!!!

     On July 29, 2013, we headed to the hospital at 6:30 in the morning for a scheduled induction.  Our doctor felt like Baby Schritter was getting too big and we would be better off helping him to come rather than waiting for labor to start on its own.  After all the paperwork and preliminary stuff they started my pitocen around 8am.  At 11:15 our doctor came and broke my water.  By 3pm I was debating an epidural, but decided to hold out a little longer.  By 7:15pm, I was checked and had dialated to 4cm.  I asked for my epidural and felt pretty accomplished that I had held out this long to get it.  I was informed that my platelet count that morning from the blood draw they did was 104,000 and it had to be over 100,000 in order for them to do an epidural.  And since that was twelve or so hours ago, they wanted to do another blood draw to check.  So we did that.  After waiting until 9:30pm (and IV pain medication to “take the edge off” was NOT helping), I was told my platelet count was too low to receive an epidural.  I’m not gonna lie:  I started crying.  I was hurting so much by this point and I couldn’t imagine doing this without some sort of relief.  My doctor came in and we talked about it and discussed the risks of doing it anyway, and then he left to talk to the anesthesiologist and then she consulted with someone else, and eventually it was decided to go ahead with the epidural.  I can’t tell you what was going on behind my back, but I do know that when she was done I was numb clear up to my shoulders, and this was not good.  The nurses kept testing how much I could feel by putting an alcohol wipe in several places on my shoulders, arms, and chest and asking if I could feel “cold and wet” and every time my answer was no.  I couldn’t feel a thing from my neck down!  A couple of different times I was surrounded by a roomful of nurses and they turned me over from my right side to my left and then back from my left to my right.  Apparently the umbilical cord was getting squished and they were trying to give Baby Schritter more oxygen.  But since I was so numb I couldn't turn myself over!  They stopped all medication through my epidural and let it wear off, so after several hours I could feel all my pitocen-induced contractions again and I was getting pretty miserable.  They started IV pain meds to “take the edge off” again (Fentenyl?), but it was not helping me at all.  My doctor came in at 2am on July 30, and suggested we do a c-section.  My husband and I convinced him to let us try on our own for another couple of hours because I so badly wanted to avoid a cesarean delivery.  He was super nice and said okay, but that he would be back around 4 to check on us.  We tried different positions over the next couple of hours in a final, desperate attempt to have our son vaginally.  But at 4am our doctor checked me again and I had still not progressed so he gently broke the news that a c-section was what needed to happen to bring our son into this world.  I was prepped for surgery, a team was called to the hospital, Jake got dressed in paper scrubs, and at 5:14am, Carson Ryan Schritter was born, weighing 7 lbs., 15.6 ounces.  The doctor said he would have weighed 8 pounds but he tinkled as they pulled him out.  ;)  I missed seeing the fun stuff like his first bath, but Jake was able to go with Carson and take some pics.  I met up with them later in our room after I had been stitched back together.  After being awake and in labor for more than 24 hours, we were all three exhausted!!

       Carson has a bit of a breathing problem, but nothing they can really pinpoint or find a cause for.  He just breathes a little quicker than most babies do.  He had a chest x-ray to rule out fluid in his lungs, an ultrasound on his head to rule out bruising on his brain, and an echocardiogram to rule out a heart problem.  He passed all of these with flying colors.  After  a couple of days in the hospital, both my doctor and Carson’s pediatrician both signed off for us to go home together on August 2, 2013.  Happy Birthday, Carson!!  We love you! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Due Date Plus __ Days.....

Yesterday was our due date, but Little Man has yet to make his appearance.  I went to work and did all the normal things, and my patients and coworkers and even people I didn't know were all telling me I was crazy for being there.  But what else would I be doing?  Sitting at home on the couch?  I might as well be making money while I still can if Baby Schritter is going to keep camping out on the inside!  It's really hard to still be pregnant after counting down the days until we meet our son just to have him be overdue!!  Today doesn't seem like it will be the day either.  Nothing unusual or exciting going on over here.  Jake is at work and I currently have Molly snuggling with me on my right side on the couch and Deuce on the left.  We are just enjoying some time together! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Due Date on Thursday and No End in Sight

Our due date in this Thursday, July 25.  Today is Monday, July 22.  And I think I may be pregnant forever.  I know most soon to be moms probably feel like this, but with all the people I know and the friends of friends that I know that are giving birth this week or last week it makes me a little jealous that everyone has a cute little bundle in their arms and mine just likes where he is at and doesn't seem to be making a move anytime soon. 

Today we saw our doctor and I've gained 25 pounds this pregnancy, which is perfect.  I am measuring at 37 centimeters, and they want you to have one centimeter per week that you are pregnant, so actually I'm a little less than average there for 39 weeks and 4 days.  I'm still only 70% effaced (no change since last week) and one centimeter dialated (BUMMER!).  Since I have gestational diabetes, our doc wants me to have another ultrasound to see how big Baby Schritter is because is he gets too big they will do a C-section since there could be concerns with him getting his shoulders through where they are supposed to go.  So ultrasound #3 is scheduled for this Thursday.  And then our doctor will decide from there whether to induce or schedule for the C-section (which I do NOT want to do).  But from the looks of things one of the other of those will have to happen unless Baby Schritter decides to up and move out in the next day or two, but this is unlikely given my lack of dialating so far!!  I'm still working full time and just trying to take one day at a time. 

On a positive note, I got to talk to my brother in Afghanistan today.  It was really great to hear from him and to hear that he is doing well.  He has a plan for when he gets out and what he wants to do with his future.  I'm really proud of him and hope that everything works out the way he hopes!  I haven't heard his voice in several months and it was awesome to hear from him.  And hopefully he will be coming to visit in October to meet his new little nephew too!! Can't wait!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ear infection and 38 weeks!

Last Saturday my left ear started hurting.  Of course, it would happen on a weekend when my doctor isn't in the office and there are no Urgent Care facilities in our area.  Joy.  So after suffering on Saturday, and losing hearing on that side on Sunday, Monday arrived and I was finally able to speak with my doctor.  He put me on antibiotics and Sudafed without even having me come in for an appointment.  I was super happy to start the antibiotics so I could hear again!!  It's annoying to not be able to hear anything!!  Fast forward to today: Friday.  I. Still.  Can't.  Hear.  >:(  We will come back to that....

This last week I have had to go to the hospital for non-stress tests.  The nurses hook you up to a machine and monitor Baby Schritter's heart rate and also any kind of small contractions.  The hope is that his heart rate goes up during a contraction or with movement. Which, it does, so everything is fine!!  I have to keep doing this next week too, but it only takes 20 minutes or so and I can go after work so it's not too bad. 

First thing this morning we had an ultrasound to see how big Baby Schritter is.  Since I have gestational diabetes (supposedly), they want to make sure he doesn't get too big before he is born.  The good news is that he looks great in there and is currently measuring to what equates to 7 pounds and 12 ounces.  I think this is WAY big enough, but apparently my doctor thinks this is just fine.  :/  The ultrasound technician showed us that Baby Schritter has hair on his head (quite a bit!) and the fact that he is definitely a boy.  :D

We saw our doctor right after the ultrasound.  This week marks 38 weeks along.  I gained another 2 pounds, which he is happy about, my blood pressure is still great. I'm 70% effaced and only one-half a centimeter dialated, so Baby Schritter is not coming to visit us this weekend and probably not next week either.  I'm a little disappointed because I really want to meet this little guy, and going to work is getting harder and harder.  I hate having to bend over or crouch down to pick things up, put things away, or do things that seem simple like refill water bottles under the cabinets.  It doesn't help that I swear I drop things WAY more often than I ever have before!!  I probably don't, but I sure do notice it a lot more nowadays!

Back to my ear problem. I had our doctor look in my ear today while I was there and he said I definitely have an ear infection, but it's not caused by wax buildup.  I must just have a lot of fluid in there.  I asked how long it will be before the fluid goes away and I can hear, and he said, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but for some people, it can take months."  MONTHS?!!!  And there is nothing I can do about it.  So don't be offended if I have to keep having you repeat yourself if you talk to me.  I honestly can't hear very well at all.  My new favorite phrases are, "I'm sorry?", "Come again?", "What?", and my personal favorite, "Huh?", followed by, "I can't hear you!!!". 

Monday, July 1, 2013

36 weeks, 4 days

Today we had another baby appointment.  I gained two pounds since last time, but considering I had lost a pound, that puts me right back on track.  19 pounds gained so far.  I am measuring 37 centimeters this time, so that's almost right on track for being almost 37 weeks. My blood pressure is excellent (actually less than when I got pregnant).  I don't have an ultrasound scheduled until the 12th (due to the Fourth of July Holiday this week), so our doctor hooked up his little portable ultrasound to get an idea of how big baby boy is right now.  He is measuring approximately 6 pounds 8 ounces! 

In related news, our doctor has decided to place me on medication to help control my blood sugar.  I am still in denial about the whole gestational diabetes thing, so I although I will continue to eat like a rabbit, avoid any good-tasting food, and poke my fingers 6 times a day, I will continue to deny that I have gestational diabetes.  Hey, as long as I do everything he says to do, I can think whatever I want to in my head, right??  I also have to go in for non-stress tests twice a week starting next week.  Oh, the joys of pregnancy.  Maybe next time (if there is a next time after all this!) I can have a normal pregnancy where I can eat whenever and whatever I want. You can't really have pregnancy cravings when you aren't allowed to eat any of the good stuff!! 

We thought we had a name picked out, but we had decided not to share it with anyone.  Well the other night I asked Jake if we should look again just to be sure that we were both still okay with that name, and come to find out, I thought his name was going to be one thing, and Jake thought it was going to be something else!!  I'm still not sure how the miscommunication came about, but now we are back to square one with Baby Schritter's name.  Next appointment is next week, if nothing happens before then!  :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oregon Baby Shower and Deuce's 3rd Birthday!

Our very good friend Jayme wanted to throw us a baby shower, and I must say, she knows how to throw a party!!  I remembered to take a few pics for this baby shower and thought I should share! 

Me on the way to the shower!

Jake and I below the It's a Boy Banner!

Only a small sampling of the goodies!!  Micque made the guacamole, and the cake pops were made by Amanda and Jayme.  (Amanda also made our gender reveal cake, if you remember that post!  She is VERY talented!) We also had a variety of fruits and veggies, hamburgers, hot dogs, and potato salad!  Jake manned the grill and also made the potato salad from scratch!

Close-up of the cake pops!  The tags say "It's a Boy!"

Close-up of the water bottles.  I didn't know you could order wrap things like this!!  So awesome!

The decorating table for onesies and bibs!

An inside joke between Jake and his boss, Ray.

Jayme made this bib!

Micque made this bib!!  LOL!

Carrie made this one!! She is always calling Baby Schritter "Little Dude!!"

Micque also made this one!!  So creative!

Maryann brought her seven year old daughter, Sierra, who customized this onesie!

And I made this one, so we could include Molly and Deuce in the festivities!!  They are going to be great puppy siblings!
We had a really great time, and Baby Schritter got even more spoiled.  We are truly grateful to have such great friends here in Oregon.  Today was also our Weimeraner's THIRD birthday!!  Deuce started his day with a new tire-shaped toy, and then we took both dogs to the beach where they chased a ball into the ocean for an hour!!  Both dogs also enjoyed all sorts of special treats today (hash browns, ice cubes, and special duck and potato treats!) They are currently both passed out on the floor and sleeping soundly.  I think we wore them out! 
I think he has the most beautiful eyes......

He's a big boy now.  Happy Birthday, Deuce Tanner!  We love you very much and our family wouldn't be the same without you, buddy!

Friday, June 21, 2013

35 weeks and our 3 year anniversary!

That means only 5 weeks (or less!) until we meet Baby Boy Schritter.  We met with our doctor today.  Looks like I lost one pound since last visit, so I've gained 17 pounds this pregnancy so far.   My tummy measures 35 cm, which is exactly where it should be for 35 weeks!  Doctor says he seems pretty long.  He's pointed down like he should be, but he's still kinda far up so he hasn't "dropped" yet.  Our next appointment isn't for another two weeks, right after the fourth of July.  The closer he gets to coming the more exciting yet also more nerve-wracking my life gets!  We are really excited to meet our son and be parents, but that comes with all kinds of worries about raising someone that depends wholly on us!!  Not to mention that I've never gone through labor before so the unknown of that makes me really nervous.  As long as I can avoid a C-section I think I will be alright!!  Plus, I try to keep in mind that women have been doing this since the beginning of time.  I should be able to do it too!!  I think all of the basic stuff he will need is ready to go.  He has a crib and changing table, and a couple of packs of diapers to get us started, a dresser, two car seats (one for each of our vehicles), a rocker glider chair, a stroller, a baby bath tub, lots of other odds and ends. and some really cute clothes given to us by friends and family.  Next weekend my friend Jayme is throwing us a baby shower so I think the number of clothes might grow some!  I'm always amazed at how small the clothes are, and baby shoes are the cutest things ever! 

Our anniversary was on the 12th.  3 years married, but we've been together since 2008.  Jake does so much for our little family and I couldn't ask for a more caring, loving, attentive partner to go through life with.  He nearly always makes dinner for us every night after a long day at work, and he always does what he can to help my life (especially with this pregnancy!) easier.  He knows me better than I know myself.  I know he will be a fantastic Daddy because he is already a great husband!!  Usually for our gifts on our anniversary we have stuck to the "traditional" yearly gifts and this year was supposed to be leather.  I got him a new belt (which he needed), and a Fossil watch with a leather strap.  This year he strayed away from the traditional and bought me diamond earrings and a beautiful diamond necklace!!  I really am a lucky girl.  :)